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mr spire

A member registered Mar 01, 2023

Recent community posts

how do i make when i get the bad ending restart cuz i dont have the warning screen

(1 edit)

i know how to do it by just pick any character you want pepino or noise pick that character then press every button of player two you can change the controlls at the option controlls and the press right then it would be for player 2 and pick what ever you want after that read the whole thing again then your done

wait where is the bo noise

i open it and this hapenns ___________________________________________



action number 1

of Create Event

for object obj_rpc:

NekoPresence init fail.

at gml_Object_obj_rpc_Create_0


gml_Object_obj_rpc_Create_0 (line -1)

i have a problem with scoutdigo when ever i open it when its done loading it just says something then i abourt it or something so what do i do about that?

(1 edit)

since i really loved this game i remade the level in level editor you can go and check it out just go to my acount expect to go to the scoutdigo ones there fake

is this onine fr

add friend me in discord

i can tell you

i am maaaaaaaaaaaaaad


dom looc

can you reastart without the mr tomatoS++ cuz i don't wanna spend money

this demo is better then the fisrt demo of pizza tower
